Digital Citizenship

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College Recruitment Turns to Virtual Visits

Social Media Changing Retail Shopping/Fashion

Social media has changed the way we do many things, and for young girls, shopping is one of them.

Technology in Education: A Primer

When your child’s teacher talks about blended learning or high-stakes, online testing, do you wonder how those terms are defined or what their attendant issues are?

1 Second Everyday

A new app called One Second Everyday is perfect for parents who feel their kids are growing up so fast and want to document it all.

Firms Push to Eliminate Passwords

Google and Apple are working on eliminating the need

Understanding What It is Like to Be a Power Snapchat User at Age 13

Struggling to understand the Snapchat user at your house?

Yes I Can Do Math

Amazon has announced the launch of a new “pro” math website -- -- that will include free math resources for e

Too Many Families Under-Connected

A new survey has been released from the Joan Ganz

Remember to Talk

Texting is great for conveying quick messages and thoughts, but

Email Etiquette Tips

E-mail is fast and effective, but it's also potentially risky: Without body language or tone of voice to guide them, recipients may wind up taking offense to what you write.
