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William Floyd Elementary School, Shirley

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Caring Kids Making a Difference

Recently, the student council members of the William Floyd Elementary School in Shirley made it their mission to brighten the holiday season for less fortunate children. During their lunchtime, they sold paper turkeys at the “Thanks-4-Giving” and snowmen at the “Do You Want to Buy a Snowman” drives. They raised $1000 which they donated to local community agencies. Council members also conducted a school-wide toy drive and donated the collected items to the Colonial Youth and Family Services and the William Floyd Family Center. Student Eric D. shared, “The toy drive is important to make sure all kids have the privilege of getting toys on Christmas.”

The giving didn’t stop there at the school. Adrianna Beck’s first and 2nd grade classes worked hard to create their annual life-sized gingerbread project. Each year, the class chooses a theme that promotes literacy to the school community and shares their love of reading with visiting classes. This year, the class also made special gingerbread treat bags that they donated to a domestic violence shelter.
