Facebook is So Yesterday….
An excellent article on the Common Sense Media site reviews 15 social media sites and apps that many kids are now using.
Cutting, pasting, and collating – those aren’t new tools in the arsenal of human beings’ efforts to keep up with information overload. A fascinating article in the most recent Smithsonian magazine online discusses how, even in the 19th century, people used scrapbooking in a very similar way to try to cope with the radical case of information overload.
An excellent article on the Common Sense Media site reviews 15 social media sites and apps that many kids are now using.
Do you have a recent high school grad on their way to college? As college student Leah Polakoff points out, the way college students use social media is quite different than the way they may have used it in High School.
Do you have a recent high school grad on their way to college? As college student Leah Polakoff points out, the way college students use social media is quite different than the way they may have used it in High School.
This spring, European courts upheld a law forcing Google Spain to remove links to personal information from its site that compromised the privacy of an individual...
This spring, European courts upheld a law forcing Google Spain to remove links to personal information from its site that compromised the privacy of an individual...
Cutting, pasting, and collating – those aren’t new tools in the arsenal of human beings’ efforts to keep up with information overload...
Have a Facebook account? Well, welcome to lab rathood. That’s because it was recently revealed that Facebook has allowed researchers, both inside and outside the company, to manipulate users' news feeds to hide good news or bad news to see whether it affected the emotions of those users themselves...
Have a Facebook account? Well, welcome to lab rathood. That’s because it was recently revealed that Facebook has allowed researchers, both inside and outside the company, to manipulate users' news feeds to hide good news or bad news to see whether it affected the emotions of those users themselves...