Digital Smarts - Location Sharing on Google Maps Could Be an Issue

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Goggle Maps recently included a location sharing feature as an update to the Google Maps app for your phone and personal computer. While this kind of location sharing is already available on other apps, privacy experts are worried about adding this feature to one of the world’s most popular apps when so many are concerned about digital safety and privacy. When location sharing is turned on, your teen can be tracked when out with friends, and if you are not careful to limit access to only friends and family, burglars can even find out when you are out of the house for the day. On a more positive note, the app can be set up to let someone know where you are, or that you’ve arrived to your location safely, but then the tracking will turn off when you arrive. Google will also send you emails to remind you have the feature on if you forget to turn it off. Take a look at this article for help with turning the location sharing on and off and for more information about the feature.

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