Digital Smarts - The Downside of Parental Online Transparency

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While you have probably read numerous articles about the dangers of parents “oversharing” online when it comes to their children, it always seems to bear repeating that privacy is a fleeting thing at best.  For example, while you may feel safe knowing Facebook has some privacy protections, did you know that when you post something, including your children’s pictures, you grant them the license to use and display that content? As the author of the article Do Our Children Want To Be On Social Media? reminds us, “kids are taught at school never to reveal personal information such as their birthday, their address, their school, or the names of their friends or pets. Meanwhile parents may be posting photographs of beaming pigtailed children in school logo tee shirts, standing outside their own numbered front doors. Scroll down a bit to find their friends’ pictures name identified at a party, and throw in the family dog, and you have everything you ever need to hack their future email and banking passwords, never mind anything more sinister.”

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