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  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property MemCacheDrupal::$bin is deprecated in MemCacheDrupal->__construct() (line 30 of /var/www/html/docroot/sites/all/modules/contrib/memcache/
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Are Parents Clueless When It Comes to Their Kids and Data Collection?

According to a new survey done by the Future of Privacy Forum entitled "Beyond One Classroom: Parental Support for Technology and Data Use in Schools," parents are still mostly clueless about the laws regulating the use of student data, and they don't buy into the idea that more laws will somehow provide the answers they want. Only one in five parents knew that there were federal laws restricting what companies can do with information collected from children online. Another 24 percent knew there were laws but didn't know the details. The remainder knew nothing about federal laws in particular. That contrasts with the 94 percent who responded that they felt they should be informed when their child's record was being shared so they would know with whom it was being shared and why. Do you know what data is being collected from your child and how is it is being shared and protected?


Are Parents Clueless When It Comes to Their Kids and Data Collection?

According to a new survey done by the Future of Privacy Forum entitled "Beyond One Classroom: Parental Support for Technology and Data Use in Schools," parents are still mostly clueless about the laws regulating the use of student data, and they don't buy into the idea that more laws will somehow provide the answers they want. Only one in five parents knew that there were federal laws restricting what companies can do with information collected from children online. Another 24 percent knew there were laws but didn't know the details. The remainder knew nothing about federal laws in particular. That contrasts with the 94 percent who responded that they felt they should be informed when their child's record was being shared so they would know with whom it was being shared and why. Do you know what data is being collected from your child and how is it is being shared and protected?


Teens, Tech and Obesity – A New Study

A new study from the Journal of Pediatrics reports that teens who used screen devices, such as smartphones or tablets, for five or more hours daily had a twofold higher likelihood of drinking sugar-sweetened beverages and were 43% more likely to become obese than those who didn't use such devices. The findings also showed a 74% increased risk of poor sleep among those who used screen devices for at least five hours daily. While only you know what effect screen devices has on your children, one dietician pointed out "If kids are playing video games on the computer while they're eating, they sometimes don't register an end to their hunger. Eating can become mindless rather than mindful, and they may not realize they are actually full." That’s just something to keep in the back of your mind for cold winter days when kids are glued to the couch playing video games.


Teens, Tech and Obesity – A New Study

A new study from the Journal of Pediatrics reports that teens who used screen devices, such as smartphones or tablets, for five or more hours daily had a twofold higher likelihood of drinking sugar-sweetened beverages and were 43% more likely to become obese than those who didn't use such devices. The findings also showed a 74% increased risk of poor sleep among those who used screen devices for at least five hours daily. While only you know what effect screen devices has on your children, one dietician pointed out "If kids are playing video games on the computer while they're eating, they sometimes don't register an end to their hunger. Eating can become mindless rather than mindful, and they may not realize they are actually full." That’s just something to keep in the back of your mind for cold winter days when kids are glued to the couch playing video games.


The Value of Apps: An Interesting Difference of Opinion

Generation Z students -- those born in or after 2001 -- view technology overall as beneficial to learning, according to a recent survey from Quizlet (an online self-quiz generating app). However, the findings show a difference of opinion on educational apps, with 80% of teachers saying apps make learning more fun, compared with 51% of students. Also in a time period where many districts are trying to make students “responsible” for their own learning, the one thing students and teachers of all ages agreed on is that interaction between students and teachers is the most important part of a classroom learning environment.


The Value of Apps: An Interesting Difference of Opinion

Generation Z students -- those born in or after 2001 -- view technology overall as beneficial to learning, according to a recent survey from Quizlet (an online self-quiz generating app). However, the findings show a difference of opinion on educational apps, with 80% of teachers saying apps make learning more fun, compared with 51% of students. Also in a time period where many districts are trying to make students “responsible” for their own learning, the one thing students and teachers of all ages agreed on is that interaction between students and teachers is the most important part of a classroom learning environment.


Smart Toys and Spying on Your Kids

Watchdog groups continue to be worried about the growing popularity of “smart” Internet-connected toys that pose significant privacy, security, and other risks to children. If you have any concerns about new toys your children may have received for the holidays, you should check out the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use to figure out what information is actually collected from children, how it is used, or where it ends up. Two toys that have been flagged that are of particular concern to experts are the Genesis Toys’ My Friend Cayla and i-QUE Intelligent Robot, both of which can record and collect private conversations and offer no limitations on the collection and use of personal information.


Smart Toys and Spying on Your Kids

Watchdog groups continue to be worried about the growing popularity of “smart” Internet-connected toys that pose significant privacy, security, and other risks to children. If you have any concerns about new toys your children may have received for the holidays, you should check out the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use to figure out what information is actually collected from children, how it is used, or where it ends up. Two toys that have been flagged that are of particular concern to experts are the Genesis Toys’ My Friend Cayla and i-QUE Intelligent Robot, both of which can record and collect private conversations and offer no limitations on the collection and use of personal information.


Additional Resources in the Battle Against Fake News

As the battle against fake news continues, several websites have been created that allow you to verify sources of news articles. One article you may want to check out that includes an extensive list of fake news sites is Snopes' Field Guide to Fake News Sites and Hoax Purveyors. A great source to bookmark is, which allows you to post the URL of any article and it will quickly tell you if the article comes from a fake or biased news website. Also helpful are and Following them on Twitter and Facebook will yield a steady stream of informative posts. Teachers are also trying to deal with the problem of fake news, so it is a good idea for parents to discuss with their children who may be using the Internet for research on current events.


Additional Resources in the Battle Against Fake News

As the battle against fake news continues, several websites have been created that allow you to verify sources of news articles. One article you may want to check out that includes an extensive list of fake news sites is Snopes' Field Guide to Fake News Sites and Hoax Purveyors. A great source to bookmark is, which allows you to post the URL of any article and it will quickly tell you if the article comes from a fake or biased news website. Also helpful are and Following them on Twitter and Facebook will yield a steady stream of informative posts. Teachers are also trying to deal with the problem of fake news, so it is a good idea for parents to discuss with their children who may be using the Internet for research on current events.


College Students Put the Use of Personal Data Before Privacy

About 98% of students want colleges and universities to use their personal data to improve the college experience, according to a recent survey by Wakefield Research. Students suggest they would like their data used to help them with things such as keeing track of graduation requirements and choosing courses. Of course, some of that data, including health information, may be pose a privacy risk but students seem to feel the benefits outweigh the risks.


College Students Put the Use of Personal Data Before Privacy

About 98% of students want colleges and universities to use their personal data to improve the college experience, according to a recent survey by Wakefield Research. Students suggest they would like their data used to help them with things such as keeing track of graduation requirements and choosing courses. Of course, some of that data, including health information, may be pose a privacy risk but students seem to feel the benefits outweigh the risks.


Elementary School Cellphone Use

A proposed rule in a Maryland school district that would allow elementary students to use cellphones during specific times of the day has sparked a debate about whether or not students should be allowed to even bring their phones to school. The average age in which a child receives their first cell phone is ten years old, and Ann Flynn, director of education technology at the National School Boards Association, says this is a hot topic of discussion in schools. The National Education Association has written about the pros and cons of cellphones in schools and since it is parents in so many parts of the country who have pushed for allowing cellphone use in schools, you may want to acquaint yourself with both sides of the question.


Elementary School Cellphone Use

A proposed rule in a Maryland school district that would allow elementary students to use cellphones during specific times of the day has sparked a debate about whether or not students should be allowed to even bring their phones to school. The average age in which a child receives their first cell phone is ten years old, and Ann Flynn, director of education technology at the National School Boards Association, says this is a hot topic of discussion in schools. The National Education Association has written about the pros and cons of cellphones in schools and since it is parents in so many parts of the country who have pushed for allowing cellphone use in schools, you may want to acquaint yourself with both sides of the question.


Social Media Sites Band Together Against Terror

Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook have all announced that they will be sharing databases to prevent terrorist groups from using the sites to post content and recruit. "There is no place for content that promotes terrorism on our hosted consumer services," the companies said in a joint statement.

Given the recent discussions about the spread of fake news on social media, critics hope this new collaboration could potentially pave a path for the companies to work together on other initiatives going forward. The problem of false news raises questions about the potential role these companies should play in battling that content. Some feel these companies have no business being arbitrators of the news or what’s right and wrong — and it would be easy for the companies to keep themselves removed and escape all responsibility in the matter. However, because of their outsized influence on today’s web, these companies are beginning to wake up to the fact that they will be held accountable for the content shared on their platforms considering that content has the ability to influence everything from terrorist acts to how people perceive the world on a global scale.


Social Media Sites Band Together Against Terror

Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook have all announced that they will be sharing databases to prevent terrorist groups from using the sites to post content and recruit. "There is no place for content that promotes terrorism on our hosted consumer services," the companies said in a joint statement.

Given the recent discussions about the spread of fake news on social media, critics hope this new collaboration could potentially pave a path for the companies to work together on other initiatives going forward. The problem of false news raises questions about the potential role these companies should play in battling that content. Some feel these companies have no business being arbitrators of the news or what’s right and wrong — and it would be easy for the companies to keep themselves removed and escape all responsibility in the matter. However, because of their outsized influence on today’s web, these companies are beginning to wake up to the fact that they will be held accountable for the content shared on their platforms considering that content has the ability to influence everything from terrorist acts to how people perceive the world on a global scale.


Apps for the Holidays

With the stress of preparing for the holidays, having some of the best and latest apps on your digital device can help entertain kids when you need to do a few more minutes of shopping, wait in line at the post office or are delayed in traffic during holiday travels. For some new and seasonal apps, take a look at the Tech with Kids list of Holiday Apps, or the recently updated Best Apps for Toddlers list. Pretend Doctoring is another good resource as well.


Apps for the Holidays

With the stress of preparing for the holidays, having some of the best and latest apps on your digital device can help entertain kids when you need to do a few more minutes of shopping, wait in line at the post office or are delayed in traffic during holiday travels. For some new and seasonal apps, take a look at the Tech with Kids list of Holiday Apps, or the recently updated Best Apps for Toddlers list. Pretend Doctoring is another good resource as well.


Millenials Fooled Less By Fake News

A new analysis from Web analytics firm Jumpshot found that Facebook users are two-and-a-half times more likely to read fake news on the platform than news from reputable publishers. However, Millennial users were 16% less likely than the general population to click on a fake news story, with only 27% of 13-33 year-olds saying they always trust news on social media. With 79% of its traffic generated from Facebook, “Occupy Democrats” was the No. 1 fake news publisher in terms of referrals from the social network, followed closely by “American News” (78%), and “Addicting Info” (73%). By comparison, Huffington Post ranked highest among the actual news sites measured, with 29% of its traffic emanating from Facebook, followed by The New York Times (20%) and CNN (11%).


Millenials Fooled Less By Fake News

A new analysis from Web analytics firm Jumpshot found that Facebook users are two-and-a-half times more likely to read fake news on the platform than news from reputable publishers. However, Millennial users were 16% less likely than the general population to click on a fake news story, with only 27% of 13-33 year-olds saying they always trust news on social media. With 79% of its traffic generated from Facebook, “Occupy Democrats” was the No. 1 fake news publisher in terms of referrals from the social network, followed closely by “American News” (78%), and “Addicting Info” (73%). By comparison, Huffington Post ranked highest among the actual news sites measured, with 29% of its traffic emanating from Facebook, followed by The New York Times (20%) and CNN (11%).
